Just a few hours ago, we reported that an easter egg spotted in Ubisoft’s recently released The Division 2 was suggesting that the next Assassin’s Creed game would be set during Viking times. Now, a new report by Kotaku’s Jason Schreier further solidifies those teases.
The report states that Kotaku heard from two independent sources close to the project a few months before these easter eggs emerged that the next Assassin’s Creed game was going to be set in Scandinavia and would feature Vikings. The game is reportedly codenamed Kingdom, though Ubisoft declined to comment on the rumours.
Recent rumours have suggested that the next Assassin’s Creed game would be set in Ancient Rome and would be a third game in the trilogy of ancient history Assassin’s Creed titles that has so far seen the releases of Assassin’s Creed Origins (Ancient Egypt) and Assassin’s Creed Odyssey (Ancient Greece). In his report, however, Schreier claims these rumours are “almost certainly incorrect.”
This is, of course, unconfirmed, but a Vikings setting for Assassin’s Creed would make a lot of sense- Vikings have often popped up as easter eggs in the series, while as per the series’ lore, Apples of Eden have also been said to be present during their times in Scandinavia- not to mention the fact that the setting inherently encourages naval combat and exploration, which Assassin’s Creed is very fond of. Also, “Viking Assassins” is the coolest combination of two words of all time.
Until such time Ubisoft confirms anything, though, take all this with a grain of salt. We do know for a fact that Assassin’s Creed won’t be seeing a new release until 2020, so there’s some time before we find out how much truth there is to this report.