For many years, BioWare was the golden standard of the video game industry. With the likes of Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Knights of the Old Republic, Jade Empire, and more, they were on the top of the mountain of RPGs and storytelling in video games. Unfortunately, the last few years have been rough. The last Mass Effect title disappointed many, and their latest title, Anthem, was a disaster at launch that is in the process of being rebuilt and relaunched. But the hope is still there that the studio can grab some previous glory, and they seem to be working on something in that vein.
A new job listing from the company reveals they are hiring for what is being described as the next major title from “one of BioWare’s most prestigious franchises.” That about all we know, but if you’re looking to be a Technical Director for something like that, you can see the listing through here.
There certainly are several potential franchises to chose from that could fit that bill. We know a new Dragon Age is in development, and it feels like we’re in a never-ending tease for a new Mass Effect and its ‘many stories to still tell.’ Whatever it is, lets hope it’ll help bring BioWare back up a bit.