BioWare have been working on Anthem for a long time- a lot longer than you’d think actually. Recently, in an interview with CBC Radio, BioWare general manager Aaron Flynn revealed that Anthem has been in development at BioWare for years, and began as “an idea” as early as five years ago.
“It’s pretty surreal, actually,” Flynn said while speaking about how it feels to have finally revealed Anthem. “We’ve been working on it for, as an idea, it’s been close to around about five years now.” This would seem to suggest that BioWare began working on Anthem as soon as they finished working on Mass Effect 3.
It’s encouraging to hear that so much time has gone into the development for Anthem. But then again, BioWare spent roughly five years on the development of Mass Effect: Andromeda as well, and that was definitely a game that needed more time for polishing. Here’s hoping that Anthem will turn out much more polished as a final product when it launches next year for the PS4, Xbox One and PC.
[Interview transcription via Reddit]