This week is looking to be quite a big week. Not only is Activision’s annual juggernaut shooter coming out with its latest entry, Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, it’s also the launch of next generation consoles from both Sony and Microsoft. You can, of course, also combine the two (just keep in mind you’re going to need a lot of that new SSD space), and you’ll be getting some prime features if you do.
In an interview with GameSpot, Lead Game Designer Tony Flame detailed the additions you can expect with the next generation versions that will launch alongside the new systems. A lot of it is painted in a broad stroke, focusing on the improved graphics and framerate. One aspect that is being taken advantage of on the PS5 version is the DualSense, as the haptic feedback will actually react differently to each weapon and the adaptive triggers are made to simulate real life trigger pressure when using firearms.
“In general, with next-gen, we had to make sure that across the board, people would have a fair experience, no matter what platform they’re on,” Flame said. “So the graphics are going to be a higher fidelity–kind of like on PC. If you have a better graphics card it will run at a higher resolution, it can run higher frame rate. But we’re paying extra care this time because of cross-platform play, that there is no inbalances due to any particular setting; that any setting that’s available on one platform that could give a gameplay advantage is available on another, like the FOV slider, for example.
“The DualSense controller is pretty awesome. It’s got new haptic feedback so when you’re pulling the trigger, it’s shaking, every time a gun fires there is a little motor in there that’s firing every time. There is sensitivity on the trigger that represents the trigger pressure on a real weapon. All of that has been tuned in the game for each individual weapon.”
Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War will release on November 13th for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Xbox On,e and PC. You can check out the other bonuses you’ll be privy to if you decide to go with the PlayStation versions through here.