Gameplay shots and a trailer for Infinity Ward’s Call of Duty: Ghosts, the next in Activision’s vaunted FPS franchise, have leaked early ahead of the Xbox Reveal event currently happening. Check them out below.
Among some of the gameplay elements seem to be underwater combat, a throwback to earlier times, close-ups for the Ghosts and of course, explosions. Can’t have a trailer without explosions.
The trailer showcases the usual elements of Call of Duty, though we get a look at the brand spanking new engine that Infinity Ward will be using for the cross-generational title. So far, not bad, though still nothing exceptional.
Call of Duty: Ghosts is slated to release for Wii U, PS4, Xbox 360, PS3 and the recently announced Xbox One on November 5th 2013 worldwide. It is currently available for pre-order at major retailers, and more details as to its association with the Xbox One are forthcoming.