The newest title from Remedy Entertainment, Control, has a lot in common with their previous titles, from the supernatural powers the main character has that invokes Quantum Break, to the tense silence and moody darkness that calls back to Alan Wake. But it also might sound pretty similar, as one of the composers for both of those titles will be working on the soundtrack.
Martin Stig Andersen and Petri Alanko will together compose the soundtrack for Control, as revealed via the official YouTube channel of the game (you can see the announcement video below). Alanko has worked on Remedy’s previous titles, as mentioned, and Anderson has worked on Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus and Inside. They both seem enthused to be part of the project and hope to create a memorable score, mixing together orchestral and electronic arrangements.
Control releases August 27th on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC (as a timed Epic Games Store exclusive). You can read about the developer’s influences and hopes for the title here, and also take a look at how the game will tackle mission structure.