Big, vast open world games are a dime a dozen nowadays, for better or worse. But few developers have managed to do what Cyberpunk 2077 has done in using just concept art and images to really flesh out their world of a terrible future, and today we got more of that with the oldest district in Night City, the decaying Santo Domingo.
Santo Domingo is the oldest district and corporations use it as a testing grounds for various projects, destroying factories just to rebuild new ones to start the process all over again. Residents are forced in crowded megabuildings. All of this is probably one of the bleakest look at 2077‘s future world yet.
Cyberpunk 2077 will release on November 19th for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC, with a Stadia version planned for later, though don’t get any hopes up for a demo. You can see the latest gameplay footage for the title through here.
Santo Domingo is one of Night City’s oldest districts. Corporations use it as a testing ground for industrial projects, destroying old factories just to build new ones, while residents scrape a desperate living in crowded megabuildings — wishing for something better. #ConceptArt
— Cyberpunk 2077 (@CyberpunkGame) July 14, 2020