We’re just a few weeks away from some mecha action with Daemon X Machina, a game promising some old school robot on robot action. We’ve seen a good deal from the game already, including some of the slick mecha and pilot designs. Now a new video shows off the game’s basic structure, and how gameplay will flow from mission to mission.
The trailer, which you can see below, is called “Game Cycle” and highlights how Daemon X Machina will play. While the trailer is in Japanese, you can pretty easily pin down how it all comes together. You chose a mission, customize your mech for it, play the mission and then get your rewards, which includes new parts for your robot and pilot. It’s not anything fancy, but it gets the job done, and we get to see some new customization options we haven’t seen before.
Daemon X Machina will launch exclusively for Nintendo Switch September 13th. For over 20 minutes of gameplay footage highlighting the game’s action, take a look through here.