Acid Nerve’s Death’s Door came out this July for Xbox consoles and PC, and was instantly met with near-universal acclaim, being highly praised for its charming world, brutal combat, and tight level design, all wrapped up in an experience that resembled classic The Legend of Zelda titles in all the right ways. Death’s Door’s certainly seen its fair share of success, and the developer has been aware that there’s demand for the game to be brought over to other platforms as well- and soon that demand will be met.
At the recent State of Play, publisher Devolver Digital announced that Death’s Door will be launching for PS5 and PS4 in November. Shortly afterward, the publisher confirmed on Twitter that it’ll be launching for the Nintendo Switch as well.
On a PlayStation Blog post, Acid Nerve confirmed that the game will run in 60 FPS on the PS5, while it will also support the DualSense’s haptic feedback. From your attacks to even your movement, expect the feedback for all of it to reflect “the weight, speed, complexity, and feel of each impact”, as the developer puts it.
Death’s Door is currently available on Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, and PC, and will launch for PS5, PS4, and Nintendo Switch on November 23.
In our review of the game, we awarded it a score of 8/10, saying, “Even with a few issues, Death’s Door is a tightly designed, challenging game that does wonders with its classic Zelda-inspired formula.” You can read our full review through here.
The critically acclaimed Death's Door swings open on PS5, PS4, and Nintendo Switch on November 23!
— Devolver Digital (@devolverdigital) October 27, 2021