Destiny 2 Forsaken’s Malfeasance Quest, Gambit Mode Will Receive Some Tweaks

The Ascendant Primeval Servitor will have increased chances of spawning after the next update.

Posted By | On 05th, Oct. 2018

Destiny 2 Forsaken Gambit

Between all the content that’s been releasing for Destiny 2 since Forsaken’s launch, including the Last Wish raid and Shattered Throne dungeon, there’s a quest to acquire Malfeasance. This Thorn-looking Exotic hand cannon has been on many a player’s wish list, but a certain boss (an Ascendant Primeval Servitor) that must be killed in Gambit stands in the way. The spawning of this boss is up to RNG, by the way.

To address this, Bungie will be making some changes. The boss will have increased spawn rates in Gambit, but a full curse week – which is the third week in a Dreaming City cycle – will see its spawn rate being the highest. To balance these increased rates, players will no longer receive guaranteed ships and Sparrows from killing the boss. There’s still a chance for them to drop though.

Gambit will also be receiving quitter protection, along with a change to help with long load times that some players have faced. The quitter protection essentially restricts someone from playing the mode if they leave too many games. However, the number of games that can be abandoned has increased to account for bad internet connections and other issues.

Finally, Power Ammo crates will disperse different amounts of ammo depending on the weapon. So the Sleeper Simulant will receive two shots instead of four, while Swords will receive 12 ammo as opposed to six. All of these changes will be going live on October 30th with update 2.0.5.

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