Ready to have the usefulness of a lot of your weapons in Destiny be tinkered with yet again? Of course you are! Bungie’s sandbox designer Jon Weisnewski recently wrote about all the weapon balance changes that are coming in the December update.
The update will look to increase the base damage of auto rifles, reduce the base damage of pulse rifles in PvP (along with increasing their damage fall-off depending on range), balance the stability on handcannons in close to medium range and introduces a whole range of nerfs to shotguns. Specific Exotics are also being looked at – the borderline useless First Curse may actually be fun to use, with a buff planned for its range and signature perk, while Hawkmoon will be having its range clipped significantly.
There are a lot of different changes in store so check out Weisnewski’s notes in full here. Meanwhile, what are your thoughts on all the nerfs? Let us know in the comments below.
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