Next year, we’ll get the chance to relive the early years of Dragon Ball Z with Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot. The brawler/RPG hybrid will follow Goku through the events of the arcs of that series, that helped to launch the Dragon Ball franchise to unseen heights. Now we get a look at the latest arc the game is confirmed to cover in the newest trailer.
Earlier it was confirmed that the game would, in fact, go at least to the Cell Saga. Up until this point we’d only seen footage up to the Frieza saga. Now we get to see a little of the Cell Saga. Despite being a game themed on Goku, the trailer is focused mostly on Gohan, who takes center stage near the end of the arc (the trailer isn’t shy about spoiling things either, just in case you’re worried about that type of thing). We knew that other characters would be playable, so seeing this isn’t too surprising, though. Still no word on if the game will finish up the series with the final Buu arc or not.
Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot will release next year on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.