Battlefield 2042 might not have a single player campaign, but it’s still looking set to be one of the series’ most packed entries in recent years. In addition to its regular multiplayer component, it’s going to have the promising looking Battlefield Portal available at launch, with Hazard Zone arriving later as well, and seasonal content updates are going to keep adding to the game as well.
Clearly, EA’s looking at this very much as a live service (which shouldn’t come as much of a surprise to anyone), and the company’s feeling quite confident in how successful that model is going to be for the shooter from a commercial perspective. Speaking during the company’s recent quarterly earnings call, EA CFO Blake Jorgensen said that the company is “feeling very, very positive” about the success that Battlefield 2042 is going to see from sales, in-game monetization, and more.
“We’re feeling very, very positive about it,” he said (via Fool). “And we wouldn’t have raised our full-year guidance if we didn’t feel that was a potential for us, and I think it’s an upside for the company longer term during the year. You’re going to hear a lot more over the next couple of months about Battlefield live services, in-game monetization, and so forth.
“I can’t tell you all that now, but trust that the team is working very hard on this, and they have some very unique ideas about what we can continue to do, as Andrew just said, to create this as a long-term interaction with our consumers versus simply selling a game this year. And we want to build a long-term relationship as we have with Battlefield users for a long time. Portal is a perfect example of how that works, and you’ll see more of that and more details about that over the next couple of months.”
Battlefield 2042 launches on October 22 for PS5, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, Xbox One, and PC, with a beta going live in September.