During the course of a game’s development, developers often build “rooms” or particular spaces into their game, which is a space they often use to test things out before they place them into the actual game, among other things. In all games, however, these rooms are either removed from games completely before they’re shipped out, or are made inaccessible, for obvious reasons. Well, almost all games.
A YouTube user by the name Mr. X managed to find their way into the developer room left behind by Bethesda in their troubled online RPG Fallout 76, and though the video has since been deleted, another user by the name PolterGeist has re-uploaded the video, which you can view below. Within the room, as the video shows, players can find every single weapon, item, and equipment included within Fallout 76, while plans for future content that is yet to be added into the game can also be found. What’s also quite interesting is that inside the developer room, there is also a single human NPC- the only NPC in the entire game, mind you, owing to the game’s infamous and absolute lack of the same. His name is Wooby, and he looks jolly.
Don’t try to access the room yourself, though- it seems Bethesda has been banning anyone who does so (there seems to be a lot of that going around lately). Of course, in this case the bans make perfect sense, given the content that can be found within the developer room- but the question still remains, why was it left in the game to begin with, and why wasn’t it made more difficult to access? Take a look at it below.
Fallout 76 recently received a pretty hefty patch on PC that fixes over 150 issues (as per the patch notes)- it will be rolled out on PS4 and Xbox One tomorrow. Stay tuned for more updates.