Fallout 76, on paper, seemed like something of a cool idea. A MMO set in a Fallout world where players could roam the wasteland. But it ended up being far less cool in practice and Bethesda had a series of missteps that were as funny as they were tragic. While they have salvaged it to a decent degree, it still never truly recovered from that image problem. The latest major update, Wastelanders, may not turn things around, but it does seem to have a lot of things fans would want.
In over 16 minutes of mostly unfiltered gameplay footage, we get to see some of the content from Wastelanders. Honestly, you could almost pass it off as a new solo Fallout game as you see the interactions with NPCs, dialogue choices and some interesting characters. Check it out below.
Wastelanders will come to all versions of the game April 7th. It will take place one year after the main story of Fallout 76, and is designed for solo players to easily jump into. It will have a lot of single player focused aspects originally lacking such as a reputation system, as well as interaction with NPCs.