Fallout 76 was maligned for a great many things when it first launched, but chief among them was probably the absolute lack of human NPCs in the game, something which deprived the game of so much the series has always been known for- story, personality, memorable characters, meaningful choices and consequences. Well, Bethesda are working on fixing that pronto.
At their E3 2019 press event, they announced that Fallout 76 will be getting a new expansion called Wastelanders, which had previously been leaked. The DLC will bring human NPCs to the game, which also means a brand new questline, choices and consequences, dialogue choices, and everything else you’d expect to go along with that.
The Wastelanders update is out later this year, in Fall- and best of all, it will be free for everyone who already has Fallout 76. Incidentally, Bethesda also announced that Fallout 76 is free to play on all platforms starting today, up until June 17th- so if you like what you play and think you might like Wastelanders even more, now’s the chance to get a taste of the wasteland.