Final Fantasy 7 Remake Guide – All Accessories and Armor Locations

Find out all about the different types of accessories and armor in Square Enix's RPG.

Posted By | On 27th, Apr. 2020

final fantasy 7 remake

Some of the more difficult questions you’ll ask when playing Final Fantasy 7 Remake are which Materia set-up is the best, how to quickly level up and which accessories to equip. The general answer is “It depends” but it still helps to know about the different accessories and what they do. The majority of them can be purchased from vendors but can also drop from certain foes.

Here are all the different accessories in Final Fantasy 7 Remake:

  • Power Wristguards – In Chapter 2, after defeating the first batch of enemies on Loveless Street, take out the next lot. Go left and keep following the path until you find a chest with the Power Wristguards inside. Strength is increased by 5 percent when equipping these.
  • Bulletproof Vest – Found in the weapon store in the slums residential area. Also found in Chapter 7 in Mako Reactor 5 – B7. When making your way to the second core, look for a nearby chest. Vitality is increased by 5 percent when equipping it.
  • Survival Vest – Vitality is increased by 10 percent. Found in Wall Market in Chapter 9 at the weapon store. Costs 5000 gil.
  • Earrings – Found in the weapon store in the slums. Magic is increased by 5 percent.
  • Talisman – Found in the weapon store in the residential area of the slums. Also found in the church in Chapter 8 – when the railing breaks, go down the other staircase to find it in a chest. Spirit is increased by 5 percent
  • Revival Earrings – Auto-Life status is conferred when entering a battle but the item will break upon usage. Can be found in the weapon store in the slums. You can also find it in Chapter 10 in Aqueduct 1 area. Simply look in the south most part of this area before going to the Inter-Aqueduct Passage. The Revival Earrings will be in a chest.
  • Supernatural Wristguards – Strength is increased by 10 percent Located in Wall Market in Chapter 9 – it can be purchased from the weapon store for 5000 gil.
  • Platinum Earrings – Magic is increased by 10 percent. Located in Wall Market in Chapter 9 – it can be purchased from the weapon store for 5000 gil.
  • Timeworn Talisman – Spirit is increased by 10 percent. Located in Wall Market in Chapter 9 – it can be purchased from the weapon store for 5000 gil. You can also steal it from the Noxious Expulsion boss in Chapter 16.
  • Champion Belt – Get ready to do some squats. Complete the side quest “Burning Thighs” in Chapter 9. This will unlock subsequent squad challenges – complete them all to earn the Champion Belt. Another way to earn it is in Chapter 14. In the Wall Market gym, complete the side quest “Wavering Heart” which involves doing pull-ups. Upon completion, take up the different pull-up challenges at the highest difficulty to earn the item. It increases Max HP and Strength by 10 percent and 5 percent respectively.
  • Circlet – Max MP and Magic are increased by 10 percent and 5 percent respectively. Found during the side quest “Corneo’s Secret Stash”. You need to head to Steel Mountain in Sector 5 and look behind the dragon gates. The Circlet can be found there.
  • Star Pendant – Provides Poison immunity. While in the Railway Control C4 area in Chapter 5, you’ll have the objective to find Stamp. After defeating some drones, don’t go straight down the tunnel. Instead, take the stairs on the left – it will lead you to a chest with wererats surrounding it. Kill the wererats to claim the chest and the Star Pendant inside. You can also purchase it from the weapon store in the slums in Chapter 8.
  • If you miss it on both those occasions, then you get another chance in Chapter 9. First, make sure you have the objective “Parting Ways” but instead of going to see Aerith, go north and exit the Wall Market. On the subsequent road, look for some ruins on the left and enter inside. There will be a chest with the Star Pendant.
  • Headband – Makes the wearer immune to Sleep. Found in Chapter 9’s Wall Market in the gym’s shower room.
  • Protective Boots – Grants immunity to Slow and Sleep. Received upon completing the side quest “Weapons on a Rampage” in Chapter 8. It’s also found in Chapter 14 in the left corridor of the final room in the Former Disposal Area.
  • Otherworldly Crystal – Duration of negative status effects is decreased. You can find this in Corneo’s Mansion in the Underground Passage in Chapter 14. Go through the third door upstairs and then downstairs. You’ll discover a room with a chest that has the accessory.
  • Enchanted Ring – Duration of positive status effects is increased. Found in the Evergreen Park, Sector 6 Slums in the side quest “Subterranean Menace” in Chapter 14. You can steal it from Type-0 Behemoth. It can also be found in Chapter 15 in Central Tower 8F. First use the two grappling points after the second vending machine. Look to the left corner for a grappling point out of a view. This will take you to a scaffolding and then down to a chest with the ring.
  • Fury Ring – Start battle with Berserk status. Found in Corneo’s Mansion in Chapter 9. After defeating the henchmen as Tifa and Aerith in the lobby, look for some shelves nearby. Squeeze through them to find the Fury Ring in a chest.
  • Enfeeblement Ring – Can be purchased from the Moogle Emporium in Chapter 14. Also found in the Former Disposal Area. Once the Mischievous Shoat is defeated, pull the lever and look for the gate where all the water has drained. You’ll find a chest with the item. Equipping it lets you start battles with the Toad status.
  • Crescent Moon Charm – When equipped by non-active character, damage taken is reduced. After completing all of Chapter 3’s side quests, head to your bedroom. There should be an icon – locate it to receive the Crescent Moon Charm as a reward. You can also earn it as a reward from the Whack-a-Box Challenge when earning 20,000 points. The mini-game is accessed in in Chapter 8 as part of the side quest “A Verified Hero”. If you go back in Chapter 14 and earn 20,000 points in Whack-a-Box, the Crescent Moon Charm can be earned here as well.
  • Spectral Cogwheel – Earn 30,000 points in the Whack-a-Box Challenge in Chapter 8. This item allows for using MP to charge the Limit Gauge.
  • Transference Module – Allows for converting ATB charges to Limit Gauge charge. In Chapter 14, take part in the tougher Whack-a-Box Challenge and earn 30,000 points to receive the Transference Module as a reward.
  • Whistlewind Scarf – Purchased from the Moogle Emporium in Chapter 8. Fills the ATB gauge slightly when entering a battle.
  • Salvation Badge – Purchased from the Moogle Emporium in Chapter 8. When HP is 25 percent of lower, this item will increase the potency of healing spells.
  • Healing Carcanet – In Chapter 13, when in Underground Lab B4, climb up the second ladder. Upon reaching the top, look to the left for some rocks. Destroy them and open the chest to find the Healing Carcanet. Healing spells, items and abilities are more effective when this is equipped.
  • Mythical Amulet – Buffs Summons. In Chapter 13, when checking on Marlene, go to Aerith’s bedroom. Open the chest to find this amulet.
  • Clarity Pendant – When using Refocus, the ATB gauge is completely filled. In Corneo Colosseum, complete the Two Party Members vs. Slum Outlaws challenge to receive this item.
  • Moogle’s Amulet – Increased probability of items dropping after battles. In Corneo Colosseum, complete the Two-Person Team vs. Team Payback challenge to receive this item.
  • Gotterdammerung – Start battles with full Limit Gauge. Also causes the gauge to fill slowly during the fight. Earned after defeating Pride and Joy in the Shinra Combat Simulator in Chapter 17 (Hard Mode only). However, you need to complete all of the Corneo Colosseum challenges and Shinra Combat Simulator challenges When accepting the challenge “Three-Person Team vs. Top Secrets”, Pride and Joy will appear in the last round.

All Armor and Their Locations

Much like accessories, armor can be incredibly important when progressing through the game. You’ll find armor from different vendors, as rewards from side quests or challenges, and from vending machines. Here’s all the armor you can find along with their locations.

  • Bronze Bangle – Increases both Physical and Magic Defense by 10. Cloud starts with this item.
  • Iron Bangle – Includes one Materia slot. Increases both Physical and Magic Defense by 16. In Chapter 2, following the battle in the square, climb the ladder and look for a chest nearby. The Iron Bangle will be inside.
  • Star Bracelet – Includes two Materia slots. Increases both Physical and Magic Defense by 3. Can purchased from the weapon shop in the Sector 7 Slums or by completing the side quest “Just Flew in from the Graveyard.”
  • Leather Bracer – Includes two Materia slots. Increases Physical Defense by 26 and Magic Defense by 6. Found inside of a room just off the tracks in Railway Control E3 in Chapter 5.
  • Mesmeric Armlet – Includes two Materia slots. Increases both Physical Defense by 6 and Magic Defense by 26.. Located in Plate Upper Level, Section H. After shutting down the third lamp, travel to the right of the walkway. There will be a chest with the Mesmeric Armlet inside.
  • Titanium Bangle – Defeat the Airbuster to receive this as a reward. Includes two Materia slots and increases both Physical and Magic Defense by 25.
  • Caliginous Bracelet – Has three Materia slots. Increases both Physical and Magic Defense by 5. Located in the Twilight Valley in Sector 5 slums in Chapter 8. Once you push a container and fight several Hedgehog Pies, travel right to a different ladder. There will be a chest with the bracelet.
  • Studded Bracer – Has two Materia slots. Increases both Physical Defense by 40 and Magic Defense by 10. Complete the side quest “Paying Respects” in Chapter 8.
  • Mythril Armlet – Has two Materia slots. Increases Physical Defense by 10 and Magic Defense by 40. Can be purchased from the weapon store in Wall Market for 3200 gil.
  • Gothic Bangle – Has three Materia slots. Increases both Physical and Magic Defense by 33. Found in Chapter 11 in the Maintenance Hall. Once the train compartment is lifted up, go upstairs and look for another console. Head to the right and then downstairs to find a chest with the Gothic Bangle inside. You can also purchase it from the weapon store in the Sector 6 Slums in Chapter 14.
  • Magician’s Bracelet – Has four Materia slots. Increases both Physical and Magic Defense by 7. Can be stolen from Reno during the boss fight in Chapter 12. Will also be available to purchase in Chapter 13.
  • Heavy-Duty Bracer – Has three Materia slots. Increases Physical Defense by 53 and Magic Defense by 13. In Chapter 13 while exploring the Collapsed Expressway, Lower Level, you’ll see a path that can be taken just before the first enemy. Follow it to find a chest with the bracer inside. It can also be purchased from the weapon store in the Sector 6 Slums in the same chapter.
  • Sorcerer’s Armlet – Has three Materia slots. Increases Physical Defense by 13 and Magic Defense by 53. In the Wall Market in Chapter 14, look for the Honey Bee Inn. If you go behind the alley next to it, there will be a chest with the item inside. Alternatively, you can purchase this in Chapter 13 from the weapon store in the Sector 6 Slums.
  • Cog Bangle – Has three Materia slots. Increases Increases both Physical and Magic Defense by 39. Rewarded upon defeating Valkyrie in Chapter 15. Also drops as a reward from the Combat Simulator in Chapter 16 and can be purchased from an item shop in the lounge next to the same.
  • Geometric Bracelet – Has four Materia slots. Increases both Physical and Magic Defense by 8. Can be purchased from the item shop near the Combat Simulator in Chapter 16.
  • Supreme Bracer – Has three Materia slots. Increases Physical Defense by 62 and Magic Defense by 16. Drops as a reward from the Combat Simulator in Chapter 16. You can also purchase it from the item shop near the simulator in the same chapter.
  • Rune Armlet – Has three Materia slots. Increases Physical Defense by 16 and Magic Defense by 62. Drops as a reward from the Combat Simulator but can also be purchased from the item shop next to the same in Chapter 16.
  • Chain Bangle – Includes four Materia slots. Increases both Physical and Magic Defense by 50. In Chapter 17, after speaking to Hojo the second time, go to the next room. Look in the corner for a chest.
  • Force Bracelet – Includes four Materia slots. Increases both Physical and Magic Defense by 9. Rewarded from defeating Swordipede. Also found in Chapter 17, The Drum Level 7.
  • Iron Maiden – Has no Materia slots but increases Physical Defense by 124. Magic Defense is increased by 20. Found in Chapter 17 after getting the keycard as Tifa. Head upstairs and instead of using it on the objective, open the door to the right. There will be a chest inside with the Iron Maiden.
  • Astral Cuff – Has no Materia slots but increases Magic Defense by 124. Physical Defense is increased by 20. Rewarded after defeating Jenova Dreamweaver. Can also be found in Chapter 17 in The Drum Level 4 when playing as Cloud/Barret for the second time. It’s in the next room to the right.

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