Ghost Recon Breakpoint seemed to live up to its name as it was something of a breaking point for Ubisoft. The game’s failure lead to several high profile delays as well as allegedly the company rethinking their approach to development. But got to give credit when it’s due, Ubisoft isn’t one to abandon a game, and Breakpoint has been updated consistently since its release. Now, more is coming with a focus on customization.
The latest update,, is live now and the big focus is that it now makes it were you don’t need Skell Credits. It opens up the customization of your Ghost, making the various types of gear unlocked from the beginning. That includes changing gender and face options within the customization menu. It also has lots of fixes for bugs in both PvE and PvP. You can read a partial list of the patch notes below or look through here.
Ghost Recon Breakpoint is available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC, with a Stadia version slated to come soon. Update is live now across all platforms.
- To improve the experience of all players at the beginning of the game and to allow them to start creating their own Ghost, we’ve unlocked by default 40 items that previously needed to be looted or purchased with Skell Credits:
- 5 vests (5.11 TACTEC Plate Carrier, 5.11 VTAC LBE, Blackhawk STRIKE Cutaway, Crye AVS1000, Blackhawk Strike Shoulder Pad)
- 5 pants (5.11 Apex, 5.11 Tactical Stryke Pant, Jeans, Cargo, Chino)
- 5 headgear (Crye Airframe, Reversed Cap, Military Cap, Berret, ACH Helmet)
- 2 gloves (S&S WetWorX, S&S WetWorX Assault)
- 4 boots (Under Armour Alegent, Under Armour Valsetz RTS, Under Armour Speed Freek, Under Armour Shoes Infiltrator)
- 4 gear paints (Gray Solid, Red Solid, Blue Solid, Coyote Brown Solid)
- 1 shirt (Vasily Sniper)
- 1 eyewear (Gatorz Magnum Sunglasses)
- 1 karambit (Casper)
- 4 emotes (Shotgun, Pistol, Rifle, Sniper)
- 4 emblems (Red Fox, Lion, Grizzly Bear, Golden Eagle)
- 4 card banners (Urban Tech, Mountain, Swamp, Coastal)
- To give players more freedom in their appearance options, players are now able to change their gender and face selection at any time in the Customization menu.
- Short hair options in the Customization menu are now properly labeled A, B, and C.
- Fixed a glitch that made patches collide through the character’s vest when sitting in the Bivouac