As is often the case with The Game Awards, we got some pleasant surprise announcements this year. One of those, at least for me, was Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection, a reboot of Capcom’s classic platformer title. We did get a nifty reveal trailer that gave us an idea of what to expect, but now we’ve gotten a gameplay demo for a closer look.
On the latest edition of Capcom TV, the crew demoed the new game. The game has a very different aesthetic than previous titles, going for a more storybook look with almost puppet-like movements. The gameplay should look familiar though as Arthur goes through the level taking out zombies, hostile birds and some evil plants. The titles were always noted for their difficulty, and it’s hard to parse if this will be the case here, but there’s definitely a few close calls as its played and Arthur is taken down to his underwear in iconic fashion.
Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection will launch exclusively on Nintendo Switch on February 25th, 2021.