God of War is one of the best games of the generation, which was reflected in the fantastic sales success the game went on to have, selling 5 million copies in a month. Speaking at Sony’s quarterly financial call, Chief Financial Officer Hiroki Totoki discussed God of War‘s success, and how it has impacted the PlayStation division’s business projections for the year.
Totoki noted that God of War ended up significantly exceeding Sony’s expectations- in fact, it exceeded Sony’s expectations by so much, it (alongside the success of third party titles) is the reason Sony is revising its yearly projections for software sales on the PlayStation 4 upwards. That’s a monumental impact for a single game to have- God of War‘s success at this point seems almost Nintendo-esque.
Of course, we didn’t get any numbers, sadly, which is a shame- Sony usually does share actual sales numbers for its games, and it’s clear God of War has done well, so I don’t know why they didn’t mention those. Hopefully, we can expect a sales number update for the game from Sony some time in the future.