In late January, Bethesda and Microsoft took a great many people by surprise with the surprise announcement and launch of Tango Gameworks’ Hi-Fi Rush. As a rhythm action game with a bright and colourful aesthetic, it is, of course, very different from the kind of experiences the studio has generally been known for, and instantly upon launch, it was met with widespread praise from audiences and critics alike.
That critical success, as you might imagine, has attracted a lot of people to the game. Taking recently to Twitter, Bethesda revealed that in a little over a month, Hi-Fi Rush has been played by over two million people. It is, of course, also available via Game Pass, so that number isn’t reflective of the game’s sales, but it’s an impressive figure nonetheless, especially for a game that was shadow dropped and announced out of nowhere.
Tango Gameworks recently also released a new update for Hi-Fi Rush that adds a Photo Mode, among other things.
In our review of the game, we awarded it a score of 9/10, saying, “Even though it has flashes of games that came before, Hi-Fi Rush is a unique, masterful game that accomplishes everything it sets out to with plenty of style and charm to spare.” Read the full review through here.
Hi-Fi Rush is available on Xbox Series X/S and PC.
Two million players have moved to the beat of @hifirush! Keep on being rockstars!
— Bethesda (@bethesda) March 1, 2023