Indie developer Neostream Interactive’s Little Devil Inside is a game we’ve been hearing about for some time now, and through its long and eventful development cycle, the action-adventure game has certainly generated a fair bit of buzz, owing to how promising it has looked and sounded each time the developer has spoken about it. And soon enough, we’re going to get our first proper look at the game.
Yesterday, Sony announced a new State of Play presentation for tomorrow, October 27, and in another recent tweet, confirmed that the show will also include the first “in-depth look” at Little Devil Inside. Exactly how in-depth it will be, and whether or not it will also finally announce a release date for the game- well, all of that remains to be seen. Thankfully, we don’t have to wait too long to find out.
Little Devil Inside will launch first for PS5, PS4, and PC, which will be followed later on by an Xbox and Nintendo Switch launch.
All aboard for tomorrow's State of Play, which includes your first in-depth look at Little Devil Inside. Tune in live at 2pm PT / 10pm BST:
— PlayStation (@PlayStation) October 26, 2021