Mass Effect is, in spite of its flaws, one of the best and most consistent gaming franchises out there. It’s a series that’s packed full of incredible moments- but as with anything else in life, it’s not perfect. Mass Effect has, over the course of its life, stumbled every now and then, and some of those stumbles have been much more severe than the others. Here, we’re going to talk about a few of the worst moments in the entire series.
Let’s start with the obvious pick. Mass Effect as a series was (and still is) built on the promise of proper choices and their consequences, with BioWare claiming that decisions made throughout the series would go on to affect its very end in various ways. What we got instead was an ending that failed on multiple levels- not only did it resort to simplistic choices while ignoring a lot of major decisions made throughout the series, it also provided some pretty unsatisfactory answers to major questions, while also leaving a lot of crucial things unexplained. Sure, the Extended Cut would go on to fill some of the holes, but even so, the ending was not even close to being at the level that BioWare had promised.