Earlier we got the announcement that Medal of Honor would be revived after a long dormancy for the shooter franchise. It’s coming from Respawn Entertainment as an exclusive to the Oculus Rift as a VR based title. But it wasn’t always like this, apparently the developer has been wanting to bring back the series for awhile and Above and Beyond wasn’t always envisioned as playable via a headset.
In an interview with Ladbible, Director Peter Hirschmann talked about the development of the game. He revealed that Respawn has had their eye on reviving the WWII shooter for a long time. They were at the stage of “conceptualizing the narrative, the structure, and all that” of Above and Beyond when Facebook (the owner of Oculus) reached out about getting a major game from the studio, therefore seguing the title into being a major VR title.
Being a VR title may or may not help the game’s chances of success, since the series has tried many times to be reinvented without it ever sticking over the years. But it will help it stand out somewhat since there’s not exactly a crowded market at the time for major AAA shooters in the VR space. Hopefully, Medal of Honor: Above and Beyond can be the game to finally elevate the franchise when it releases sometime next year for the Oculus Rift.