One of the biggest deterrents against buying digital games on consoles (or handhelds) is that prices on the digital storefronts by Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo, rarely drop to match retail pricing trends which provide a much cheaper alternative (unlike PC, where Steam remains one of the only viable options, and has some insane sales on an almost daily basis anyway). And while Sony has been experimenting with a similar model for a while now, Microsoft has begun to try having cheaper priced retail games on the Xbox Live Marketplace.
As Eurogamer reports, Microsoft will begin by pricing Ryse: Son of Rome, Crytek’s stunning looking (but mediocre playing) action launch title for the console, for £34.99, which will be much cheaper than the £44.99 new, or the £39.99 pre-owned it costs at GAME.
In the US, the game will be priced at $30, which is a staggering half of what it costs at retail.
Competitive digital pricing remains one of the sore sticking points for all three consoles, and it is good to see Microsoft attempting to address the issue head on going forward.