Capcom has announced the final Digital Event for Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak, which goes live on June 7th at 7 AM PDT/3 PM BST. It will showcase the content coming in the Bonus Update and feature a roundtable discussion with series producer Ryozo Tsujimoto and game directors Yasunori Ichinose and Yoshitake Suzuki.
The last Title Update added the Elder Dragon, Amatsu, for Nintendo Switch and PC players. It also introduced Risen Shagaru Magala at Master Rank 180, new Event Quests and level 300 Anomaly Investigations. There are also Special Investigations against Afflicted monsters, which deal more damage.
The Bonus Update looks to add a variant of Malzeno, the flagship monster for Sunbreak, but stay tuned for more details. Hopefully, we’ll also find out when Title Update 4 and 5, along with the Bonus Update, arrive for Xbox and PlayStation. Stay tuned for more details, and check out our review for Sunbreak here.