Monster Hunter World may be launching on the PS4 and Xbox One on January 26, but its beta will be exclusive to PS4, for PlayStation Plus subscribers, ahead of launch. Today, we learned some more about what we can expect from the beta once it goes live.
First, the good news- it sounds like it will be incredibly full featured. It will offer three quests (playable with up to three other players in online co-op), two set in the Ancient Forest, tasking players to take down Gjagras and Anjanath respectively, and a third set in the Wildspire Wastes, this one tasking players to take down Barroth.
Additionally, the beta can also be played single player- this means that even if your friends aren’t interested in the beta, you can try it out and see if the mechanics do something for you anyway.
All of this sounds great- and I can’t wait to play what looks like the biggest leap the Monster Hunter franchise has made in a very long time.
『モンスターハンター:ワールド』ベータテスト版はPS plus加入者向けに12月9日(土)から3日間実施!シングルプレイから最大4人マルチプレイまで下記3つクエストが体験可能!
●大蟻塚の荒地/ボルボロスの狩猟— モンスターハンターワールド:アイスボーン公式 (@MH_official_JP) November 7, 2017