Monster Hunter World PC Receives Lunastra on November 22nd

The Elder Dragon arrives next week with new armour sets, weapons, and more for PC players.

Posted By | On 12th, Nov. 2018

Monster Hunter World Lunastra_05

Capcom’s fourth major title update for Monster Hunter World on PC will finally bring Lunastra to the platform. The Elder Dragon and mate to Teostra has been available since May 31st for console users. This will be the first time PC players can take her on. After completing the game and hitting Hunter Rank 16, simply speak to the Huntsman to begin the event.

This update brings a whole lot more than just Lunastra. It also brings two new armour sets crafted with her materials and new weapons for each tree. Lunastra weapons are unique in that they can be combined with Bazelgeuse, Xeno’jiiva, or Nergigante parts for their skills. For instance, crafting a Xeno-Luna Longsword will provide Razor Sharp which halves sharpness loss. Long story short, they’re some of the best weapons in the game.

Then there’s the powerful Temporal Mantle, which allows for automatically dodging powerful attacks. It should make the eventual Arch-Tempered Elder Dragon hunts easier for PC players. Other changes and new additions include changing the Depth of Field and Vignette Effects in Advanced Graphics Settings. Full patch notes will be provided later, so check out the preview below in the meantime.

Major New Content:

– Lunastra, a rare female Elder Dragon that litters the air with hot blue dust, arrives on Steam!
There are reports of her traveling with her mate, Teostra.
Her materials can be used to create new weapons, a unique armor set, and Palico armor.
After completing the game (at HR 16 or higher), talk to the Huntsman in Astera to start the Event.
– A new specialized tool will be added: the Temporal Mantle.
This garment nullifies damage from powerful attacks by automatically evading.

Major Additions and Changes:

– “DOF (Depth of Field)” will be added to the Advanced Graphics Settings. This feature allows you to enable/disable the functionality to adjust focus by changing the camera distance.
– “Vignette Effects” will be added to the Advanced Graphics Settings. This feature allows you to enable/disable shading of screen edges by adjusting the brightness between the center and peripheral areas.
– A preset function will be added to the Keyboard Settings, allowing you to save changes you made to the key configuration.
– On top of the regular “Default” Keyboard Settings, a “Default 2” option will be added for 5-button mouse controls.
– Various other additions and changes.

Bug Fixes:

– Fix for a bug where the custom radial menu stops working on keyboards after setting WASD keys for menu item selection under Keyboard Settings.

If the connection issues can be resolved before the title update, a patch may be released beforehand. A separate notification will be issued along with the patch to announce the fixes.

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