Monster Hunter World has received a new patch for Xbox One and PS4, bringing its share of bug fixes. Patch 3.02 should be available on PS4; the same patch is on Xbox One. Among the bugs the update fixes are those for the Kulve Taroth Siege activity.
In rather specific circumstances, the quest line wouldn’t progress – like speaking to the Admiral in the field while helping another player with the quest “A Wound and a Thirst” after collecting Kulve’s traces but before speaking to him in Astera separately. With this bug fix, you can head to Astera, talk to the Admiral and then the Kulve Taroth Siege will be available.
Another important bug that’s been fixed is related to the Wyvern Ignition Sword, namely its “Impact” attack that had its value at 240 instead of the correct 510. The update fixes this and also fixes some bugs regarding the First Wyverian. Expect more accurate details on weapon usage, the number of monsters killed and so on.
Monster Hunter: World Patch Notes:
Kulve Taroth Quest Line:
Fixed a bug where the Kulve Taroth Siege quest line would not progress correctly under certain conditions (specifically: if you speak to the Admiral out in the field when participating in another player’s instance of the “A Wound and a Thirst” or similar quests, after having collected Kulve Taroth traces but BEFORE having spoken to him separately in Astera). Players who have encountered this bug already can return to Astera and speak with the Admiral, triggering the council scene, after which the Kulve Taroth Siege will become available.
Great Sword Wyvern Ignition “Impact”:
Fixed a bug where the great sword Wyvern Ignition “Impact” saw its fire elemental attack value unintentionally reduced to 240. The value has been reset to 510. The armor skill “Free Element/Ammo Up” is still a requirement for unlocking the fire elemental attack of this weapon.
First Wyverian Statistics:
Fixed some bugs in the data collection for the statistical summaries given to you by speaking to the First Wyverian (weapon usage, number of monsters slain, etc.). Data will be progressively reset starting on April 26. For the duration, the First Wyverian will not give out any statistical information, but this should not affect gameplay in any other way. Please note that the statistical data may be low in accuracy for a short time after the process has finished.