Capcom has another seasonal event coming to Monster Hunter World. On September 21st, the Autumn Harvest Fest goes live, and will offer new outfits to obtain, new quests, and new Layered Armour. It will end on October 4th.
Much like previous events, the Autumn Harvest Fest will offer double Lucky Vouchers per daily login, along with Autumn Harvest Tickets. The latter can also be earned from daily bounties. These Tickets will likely be used to craft the new Layered Armour, which is appropriately pumpkin-themed. The Handler will be receiving a new outfit, as will Poogie, and the Celestial Pursuit will be decked out as usual.
More importantly, all past challenge and event quests will be making a return. If there’s a quest you missed, then this will be the time to play it. The Autumn Harvest Fest is pretty much confirmed for Xbox One and PS4, but what about PC? We’ll have to wait and find out. However, the PC platform just received the Deviljho update, so you can keep yourself busy with that in the meantime.
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