Nintendo’s NX remains an enigma- for a console that is supposedly less than a year away from release, it is astonishing how little we really know about it at this point. Oh, sure, there has been loads of speculation, and quite a lot of rumors already, but we really know nothing concrete, other than the fact that it will be something new entirely.
One of these rumors that we have been hearing was that AMD was in fact going to be designing the chip for Nintendo’s new console, something that they hinted at back in December. Today, as VentureBeat reports, new evidence for that has arisen- AMD chief executive Lisa Su has confirmed a third semi-custom chip contract for a project potentially worth a billion dollars in sales. This goes hand in hand with the previous rumor, where AMD had heavily hinted that they would be designing the chip for a new console.
Them powering Nintendo’s next console isn’t that much of a stretch either- AMD has been involved with Nintendo in some for or the other going all the way back to the GameCube, back in 2001. Since then, the Wii and the Wii U have both utilized AMD tech too. And given that AMD also powers PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, is it that hard to believe that the NX will also be powered by them?
Now the question is, what exactly is the hardware architecture that AMD and Nintendo will use for the NX? Are they going to go with x86, like the rest of the industry, or are they sticking with the now entirely obsolete PowerPC? Or will they do something else entirely, and just go with ARM?
Whatever it is, it remains to be seen. Stay tuned to GamingBolt for more coverage and information.