Hideo Kojima has been teasing the icon of his newly formed Kojima Productions on Twitter for a while now- he shared the name of the icon earlier, and also asked fans what they thought he was wearing. Today, he has revealed the ‘icon,’ in a series of tweets, and it’s… disappointing?
In a lot of ways, Ludens (for that is his name) comes off as a bit bland and generic- he certainly would not be out of place in any contemporary futuristic shooter on the market. Then again, though, this is Kojima, and Kojima deserves the benefit of the doubt- we should expect there to be more to him than meets the eye right away.
It is currently unclear on whether Ludens is actually going to be a character in Kojima’s new game, or whether he is just going to be a ‘mascot’ for the new studio, so to speak. Given precedence, it seems likely that he will have some role to play in Kojima’s new game, whenever it does come out, but until we know for sure, it’s best to not jump to conclusions.
LUDENS, the icon of Kojima Productions. pic.twitter.com/brM16iFgNi— HIDEO_KOJIMA (@HIDEO_KOJIMA_EN) May 17, 2016
We'll deliver THE NEW PLAY in THE NEW FUTURE with the cutting-edge equipment, technology, & the frontier spirit. pic.twitter.com/jZbTtpbVw9— HIDEO_KOJIMA (@HIDEO_KOJIMA_EN) May 17, 2016
The gear he's wearing is the extra-vehicular activity(EVA) creative suit. pic.twitter.com/iHb5JjFK77— HIDEO_KOJIMA (@HIDEO_KOJIMA_EN) May 17, 2016