Nier: Automata was perhaps one of 2017’s biggest surprises. It was an excellent game, perhaps one of the best of the current generation, and it also did much, much better commercially than most people had expected it to. It’s no surprise, then, that there are rumblings of a possible sequel for the game, and these rumblings come from the Nier series’ producer Yosuke Saito himself.
Saito, series director Yoko Taro, and series composer Keiichi Okabe fielded questions about the game and the series from a set of fans at a PAX East panel recently, and when a particular fan asked if there was going to be another Nier title in the near future, Saito hinted that it might indeed be possible. “I do think that we might be able to open another door in the NieR universe,” Saito said, as per his translator. “I don’t know how long it might take but I do want you guys to look forward to that.”
Meanwhile, series director Yoko Taro made it clear that he doesn’t like the idea of making direct sequels, while also mentioning how Nier: Automata, despite being a sequel to previous games, could function as a self-sufficient isolated game all too perfectly.
Nier: Automata launched earlier last year for the PS4 and PC and received rave reviews from nearly everyone who played it. You can read our own review here. Stay tuned to GamingBolt for continued coverage.
"I do think that we might be able to open another door in the NieR universe, I don't know how long it might take but I do want you guys to look forward to that."
— Wario64 (@Wario64) April 7, 2018