Reggie Fils-Aime, the man who has led Nintendo for the better part of the last two decades, steps down from his position today. And now, with him no longer having to watch every word he says to be in the service of Nintendo’s larger messaging, he has finally gone ahead and opened a social media account for himself—specifically, on Twitter.
His Twitter handle is @Reggie (yes, I am as surprised as you are that that wasn’t taken), and he’s just been making a few tweets reminiscing about his time at Nintendo, including his first appearance at E3, which shot him into the stratosphere, and created the cult of personality around him for Nintendo fans that persists to this day.
Fils-Aime is being succeeded at Nintendo by Doug Bowser (yes, that is his real name); it will be interesting to see where Nintendo goes in the coming years under his stewardship.
Hi Twitter community.
— Reggie Fils-Aimé (@Reggie) April 15, 2019