Collective shipments and digital sales for Nioh and Nioh 2 worldwide have crossed 6 million units, Koei Tecmo has announced. This is up from announced as of April earlier this year.
The publisher has also announced that both Nioh games are now also available via the Epic Games Store. In fact, Nioh Complete Edition is currently available on the store for free, and will remain free until September 16. Meanwhile, Nioh 2 Complete Edition can be purchased for 20% off from now until September 23.
Anyone who purchases Nioh 2 before until then will get the Sohaya Deserter Garb and Ornate Gold Armor as bonuses. Meanwhile, purchase Nioh or Nioh 2 at any time, and you’ll get the Fujin Helmet and the Raijin Helmet respectively.
Koei Tecmo’s last Nioh release was The Nioh Collection for PS5, PS4, and PC earlier this year, and the series has clearly enjoyed quite a bit of critical and commercial success. That said, Team Ninja has said that the series has now reached something of a “resting point”, with the developer now wanting to focus on different projects.