September is loaded to the gills with games for the Switch. With the newest revision coming out around that time, the Switch Lite, you sure won’t be too pressed to find anything to play. Those in the mood for a good platformer with a strong visual style will get one via Microsoft, of all companies, with Ori and the Blind Forest, and today we got to see the first 20 minutes of the Switch version.
The game was announced as coming to the Switch via Nintendo’s Indie World presentation earlier in the year. Thanks to GameXplain, we got to see the first 20 minutes of the Switch version in action. As you can see, it looks pretty good and thankfully retains the game’s distinct art style. Check it out below.
Ori and the Blind Forest is available now on Xbox One and PC, with the Switch version slated to come out on September 27th. The Definitive Edition of the game includes additional content from the base game, including new missions, abilities, areas and environments.