Persona 5 Royal is bringing a lot of new material to the already bursting at the seams Persona 5 when it launches in Japan later this year (though us westerns are still stuck waiting for its launch next year). There’s a ton of completely new and original content, like a new party member, but there’s also some new tricks for some old favorites of the original cast- and today we got some new ones for party member Ann Takami.
Ann is a half-American/half-Japanese character who has a signature red panther outfit. She was already pretty formidable in the original game, and today we got a new trailer highlighting a few new things for her in Royal. First we get some new character interactions not present in the original. Then we get to the action with some new combination attacks that are cute, but potentially deadly, as Morgana seemingly professes his love to her, which rains some devastation on enemies. You can check it out below.
Persona 5 Royal releases October 31st in Japan, with a 2020 release for the west. You can also check out Ryuji’s recent preview to see how another old cast member got a fresh coat of paint.