Different characters
Wheatley was a fantastic addition to the character roster in Portal 2. Aside from him though, most of the cast was made up of largely mute robots or the usual combo of Chell and Glados. With Chell having (supposedly) now escaped from Aperture science, the world of Portal is going to need some fresh faces. We’ll always miss the good old days, but we also need to embrace the new.
A co-op story mode
Before anyone jumps in and exclaims “but Portal 2 has a co-op campaign!” let me explain this in full. Portal 2 has a stellar co-op mode, but it is a series of levels rather than a cohesive story. It would obviously need to be a separate campaign to accommodate a second players presence, but Portal 3 should contain a co-op narrative of equal quality to its single player counterpart. Fooling around in test chambers is a good laugh, but a lot more could be done with a cohesive two player story mode.
Steam integration on Xbox 360
Steam is a really great service and, were it possible, I’d install it on every device I own. Steam’s integration with PS3 copies of Portal 2 was a big sell for it, so much so that it was dubbed as Valve’s “big surprise” for E3 2010. Cross platform multiplayer is a pretty cool thing, something that I’m surprised isn’t used more often. Let’s hope Valve will get the Xbox 360 involved in Portal 3 as well, so we can all be one big gaming family.
More set pieces
If you think about the big battles that have adorned the endings to both Portal games, they are pretty immense. Portal 2 in particular. Why can’t we have more set piece moments like this throughout the whole game? I know Valve want to save the best until last, but sometimes it’s better to spread things out a bit more evenly. Let’s hope we see more crazy stuff, more boss battles and more obscure challenges occurring throughout the entirety of Portal 3.