Longer single player
Yeah I know, it’s generally the obvious complaint but it holds true all the same. The first Portal wasn’t so bad. As a small-scale title included with the Orange Box, the original Portal felt about right as a short but sweet romp. The full-priced Portal 2 however, could’ve done with just a little bit more in terms of sheer single player content. Portal 3 will need to silence the critics with the longest game time yet.
An engine upgrade
We all love the Source engine, but it’s got to be on its way out sometime soon. It still holds up surprisingly well in this day and age, but an engine upgrade is always nice. This is something I think the next generation of Valve titles will seriously benefit from, as the engine used in Portal 2 felt just a little bit too familiar for my liking.
A level editor
Granted, you can easily mess around with the Source engine on a PC. For us console players however, it would be interesting to see what would happen if simple level creation tools were included in Portal 3. If you think of the success of content creation games like Little Big Planet, online distribution of fan made content could be a real boon for Portal 3. That and, it would be interesting to see what kind of whacky stuff the whole community comes up with.