Quantic Dream made a name for itself for pioneering the “narrative” driven game with titles like Farenheit, Detroit: Become Human, and Heavy Rain (they also made that name by creating some truly bizarre stories as well). For over a decade, too, the company has exclusively worked with Sony. That changed this year when several of the studio’s titles hit the PC for the first time. It’s not a one-off, either, as the studio is planting its flag firmly on the multiplatform side of things.
In an interview with DualShockers, David Cage said that they intend to move away from working exclusively with Sony. They are working on several projects right now, and want to see them flourish on other platforms besides just the PlayStation brand. Cage doesn’t shut down the idea of having exclusives with a platform holder, but the company won’t be working with one holder for every project anymore.
“Quantic Dream is not exclusive to any platform anymore,” said Cage. “So yes, unless there are some specific exclusivity deals on a tile-by-title basis, all our games will be released on all platforms at launch.”
It’s not a big surprise, since the company has moved into wanting to be a third party publisher as well as a developer. It’s a logical move to try and be part of as many platforms as possible in that role. It’ll be interesting to see what the company shows next, either of its own creation or someone else’s.