Now with a beta and a demo out a lot of you have gotten the chance to see Killzone 3 in action, but the Playstation Blog has posted some new details as well as gameplay of the Field Medic. The Playstation Blog makes the Field Medic sound like an invincible mad scientist bring people back from the dead. On top of that the gameplay is all on the previously unrevealed map ‘MP7 MAWLR Graveyard’.
Killzone 3 producer, Aryeh Loeb stated that “A fully upgraded Field Medic can call on the aid of a Medi-Droid that will hover near the Field Medic and provide cover while he revives other players”. Loeb went on to say that “He can even attain the ability to stand up after getting fatally wounded, a perfect opportunity to surprise the enemy after they’ve left you for dead.” Damn, I mean does the Medic ever die and watching the footage below might sway you to play as a Medic even if you have never don’t so in a game before, but this is my kind of Medic. Killzone 3 is out February 22(US) and February 25(UK) exclusivel for Playstation 3 as well as being fully Move compatible. So pre-order those Sharpshooter Gun Peripherals along with the game too and of course make sure you have a PS Move with both Move Controllers(Wand & Navigation).
News source via VG247, via Playstation Blog