With Final Fantasy 7 Remake only having been the first in who knows how many instalments it will take for Square Enix to remake all of Final Fantasy 7, there’s no shortage of anticipation for the sequel, and no shortage of speculation about what it might entail (especially given how the first instalment ended).
Recently, Square Enix registered trademarks for Ever Crisis and The First Soldier in Japan, kicking off a new round of Final Fantasy 7-related speculation. Now, as spotted by Final Weapon, they’ve now registered trademarks for Ever Crisis in Europe and Canada as well.
That could mean any number of things. Given the name, the most common bit of speculation you’ll see is that it has something to do with Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7. Maybe Ever Crisis is what Square Enix will call the sequel to FF7 Remake. Or maybe it means nothing at all.
Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 2 (or whatever it’ll end up being called) is in development, so hopefully, it won’t be too long before we have some concrete details on it. Meanwhile, recent reports have also suggested that Final Fantasy 7 Remake for the PS5 might be getting announced soon. Read more on that through here.