More game types
Though DLC has since fixed this problem, Warhawk only contained four game types right out of the box. Though the zones and capture the flag modes offered a lot of depth, more objective based modes would’ve helped improve the game’s variety even more. I know a lot of developers rely on DLC to rectify these problems, but it would be a much better start if LightBox could include more maps from the get go.
Superior animations
For a game that’s nearing four years old, Warhawk looks damn fine. The textures and character models are pretty swish, and the game puts up a pretty flawless frame rate at all times. The only area that seems to have at all dated is in the animations department. Jumping and climbing is the main culprit, but the way characters vanish when they enter vehicles is also a bit of a cop out. There aren’t many screws that need to be tightened in the visual department, but let’s hope that LightBox are vigilant with what does need fixing.
Better weapon placement
This applies more to the deathmatch games than objective modes with set bases, but I was never a huge fan of where the weapons were placed on the maps in Warhawk. Considering your initial equipment was useless in the majority of ranged situations, it was always of utmost importance to get those more powerful weapons. The problem was that Warhawk didn’t capitalise on this need enough. Weapons should have been placed in more strategic positions where fights would erupt for possession of the sniper or rockets or what have you. Let’s hope this opportunity isn’t missed in quite the same way in Starhawk.
More levels
Yet another issue that is easily solved with DLC. Though the maps could be split into different configurations that kept things fresh, there were still only five maps available with just the original Warhawk when it boiled down to it. Starhawk, with its new space setting, has a chance to offer better map variety straight out of the box.