A solid addition to a niche sub-genre.
34BigThings' fast-paced sci-fi antigravity racer is out now, for all those who're looking to something to fill the WipEout and F-Zero void.
Here's everything you should know about 34BigThings' upcoming antigravity racer.
Originally slated for May 26th, 34BigThings says the futuristic racer needs "just a little more development time before it’s ready to go."
The high-speed racer will be available for PS5, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, PC, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch when it launches later this month.
The anti-gravity racer offers 36 tracks across 10 locations, an extensive campaign and multiplayer with future seasons adding more content.
Including Flying Wild Hog, Coffee Stain North, Purple Lamp Studios, and more.
It’s a fast game, but this version hit a big delay before the finish line.
Which makes sense, given the power difference between the two systems.
34BigThings also iscusses optimization for Xbox One X and differences with PS4 Pro.
Says porting to PS4 Pro isn't too much effort.