Square Enix is helping the little guys, but only if they deserve it.
Everything you need to know about Dragon Age: Inquisition
Gothic's PS3 debut feels like a trip back to the early 2000s, and not in a good way.
Diablo is ready to unleash hell on the PlayStation 3 Pre-orders
Kingdoms of Amalur: Age of Reckoning Developer website is back up and running
We know that there is no party chat capabilities on the Xbox 360 version of the upcoming game Dark Souls. That alone is quite a bummer as Xbox 360 gamers have grown used to using the party chat ... Read More
Darkspore is now out for the PC and is a new kind of Action-RPG game. The game have different co-op campaigns as well as PvP along with an extremely in depth customization feature. Of course the... Read More
We recently got a chance to preview and play Hunted: The Demon's Forge in NYC, my favorite place I might add for a Bethesda event. The event is where we also got a chance to play as well as previe... Read More
The popular franchise, The Mummy, recently became the property of Bigpoint, in partnership with Universal Studios, and they will jointly be developing an Action-RPG browser based online Mummy game.