Starring Yu Narukami and RIse Kujikawa.
'We betrayed consumers' trust, now we must win it back.'
Looking as stylish as ever!
Persona 4 spoilers may follow.
Aim high, and miss.
'Come help us kick off one of the most anticipated RPGs in the world.'
So for anyone expecting a delay, well, it looks like you're wrong.
This is the true Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem.
It's finally confirmed for a western release.
This might be the most fan servicey thing ever.
Plus, sales of the series reach 6 million copies sold worldwide.
I can't get over how stunning the game looks.
Another Etrian crossover manages to get it mostly right.
Chie's was better.
Shin Megami Tensei and Fire Emblem collide in a Persona-like environment.
Everything you need to know about Persona 4: Dancing All Night
She's pursuing her true self.
Catch up on Persona before Persona 5 launches.