Square Enix thankfully clarifies a few things.
Square Enix is taking rather interesting steps to finish development.
Shinji Hashimoto assures us that "we treat every game we make the same".
Ain't no getting off this train we on.
Gamesmaster UK has posted a rumour about Final Fantasy 15, which sounds really promising. Check them out below and with a pinch of salt. -Including the concept planning and pre-production phase, th... Read More
[HTML1] An announcement video of Final Fantasy 15 has leaked pre-E3 onto the internet While the first few seconds of the video might make you think it's actually Final Fantasy Versus XIII, the secon... Read More
According to Yoshinori Kitase, Final Fantasy XV (that's right 15) could ditch the turn-based battle system. Now this isn't a big news, since games after FFX-2 all have some sort of active battle sys... Read More