The main character from Sony's action franchise is stopping in it seems.
Support for adaptive triggers and haptic feedback seems to have been added to the games.
Here's how the sequel can outdo even its excellent predecessor.
God of War 3 Remastered saves will also transfer, if you're into that sort of thing.
Sony seems to be adding next-gen-ready enhancements to various PS4 games.
The list includes God of War, Persona 5, Days Gone and much more.
Next-gen won't require developers to "go back to square one," as per Cory Barlog.
A true embarrassment of riches.
The best leading men and ladies in games from recent years.
The best of the best "almost but not quite" open world experiences out there.
Unsurprisingly, it seems like recent rumour of an imminent reveal are false.
The Last of Us Part 2 ranks at fourth despite being released only last month.
343 Industries seem to be taking a page out of God of War's book.
SIE Santa Monica Studio looking to staff up- probably for a God of War sequel.
Blurring the lines of genres.
Animation can be just as important as polygon counts - here are some games that do it right.
Moments that will stick with us for years.
Unleash your inner rage with these games.
Dark Horse Comics' new series will pick up after the events of 2010's God of War 3.
There's plenty of potential for Sony in the PC gaming space. Let's look over some of the possibilities from "likely" to "yes, please."