Doug Lombardi puts a damper on bringing Valve titles exclusively to SteamOS.
The cries of millions of Half Life 3 fans. And then...silence.
Quite a humorous incident.
Or rather, which is possible first?
When, where, and most importantly, when?
Oh what can still be.
A troll job or a Valve job?
Valve may be playing their cards right with Half Life 3.
A total of 56 team members are working on the highly anticipated sequel.
Six years. Count 'em.
Maybe, hopefully, surely, this time?
Ever the tease, Valve doesn't even spare new employees.
Ah, when times were simpler and promises were kept.
A hilarious fan-made video sums it all up.
John Patrick Lowrie says he didn't mean to give the impression of knowing what's going on.
Developer occupied with other things, according
Sit tight Half-Life fans, the wait continues.
And some for Half Life 2: Episode 3 as well.