It's still a rumor, but it's getting more credible.
But he won't confirm or deny a Switch port for the game just yet.
Hopefully this translates to better long term third party support.
New Mario Kart game due out within three months.
But they aren't committing to long term support yet.
"This is a relationship that will likely last two decades and I'm super excited about it."
Is the new Nintendo system going to be priced at $250 or less?
"If we’re stuck with just Nintendo content, that’s a problem."
Zelda falls, everything else holds its position.
Games keep getting bigger, and we can't wait to explore these fantastic looking titles.
Can you believe something like this might be happening?
"Keep an eye out for more news soon."
"We endeavour to develop games that offer enjoyment best suited to each piece of hardware's features and target users."
The best Elder Scrolls has ever looked on consoles.
Image and Form has no concerns.
Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot is all praise for Nintendo Switch.
Everywhere else in the same week.
Also talks about third party support.